In a few short hours (5), Ill be hitting the road for Kentucky and the 2011 Woodworking in America conference. If youve never been or arent sure if youd like to go, check out my post about why you should.

While this is far from a comprehensive list of the conferences activities, this is my plan for the weekend. Please feel free to join me and say hi.
Thursday night is the Blogger Community Party. Details are here on Nik Browns blog. Its a meet up at a local dining establishment and all are welcome.
Friday and Saturday I’ll be bouncing between classes and the marketplace. I’m also competing in the Blogger Challenge as part of the Penultimate Basement Workbench team. Stop by and watch Matt Vanderlist, Tom Iovino and me make fools of ourselve, cutting and joining wood by hand.

If you are going, then lets hang out. That is, after all, what makes the conference so amazing. Meeting and hanging out with other woodworkers is a fantastic experience you should partake in as often as you can.
While this is far from a comprehensive list of the conferences activities, this is my plan for the weekend. Please feel free to join me and say hi.
Thursday night is the Blogger Community Party. Details are here on Nik Browns blog. Its a meet up at a local dining establishment and all are welcome.
Friday and Saturday I’ll be bouncing between classes and the marketplace. I’m also competing in the Blogger Challenge as part of the Penultimate Basement Workbench team. Stop by and watch Matt Vanderlist, Tom Iovino and me make fools of ourselve, cutting and joining wood by hand.
See you in Cincinnati.
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