We finally finished Jillians room and I am so excited to share it with you!
Of course I have to show the before pictures first. When we first moved in our upstairs felt a little like stepping back in time. While we loved the originality and charm, we also knew we had to lighten it up.

(The closet was an add on)

And as renovations tend to go, this was not without its share of troubles. When my husband was doing some repairs on the window, wouldnt you know it, but he discovered all of the inside boards were rotted. So imagine my surprise when I was working outside, heard my name being called, and turned the corner to this...
(You should have seen the stares we got as people drove by.)
I should also mention that while we were working on my daughters room, we were also making a lot of outdoor changes, which is why our front beds were nothing but dirt.
And Im not sure my husband was so pleased with my grand idea of refinishing the original floors. Whew, what a mess and what a job... and thats an understatement!
But in the end... Id have to say it was all worth it. (smile)
Her room is so bright and sweet now. I think this may be my favorite room in the entire house! I especially love the schoolhouse light... we will also use these same fixtures (purchased from Amazon) in the office landing area upstairs.
My husband built the little reading nook in the corner. This room is very large but we wanted to keep the room simple without multiple pieces of furniture. This seemed the perfect thing to do with a bare corner.
Despite the hours of work, I do love the way the floors turned out.
The door to her room is original, but since the closet was an add on, a newer door was installed here. However, we ordered this five panel door from Lowes to replace the one that was already there so it would match the original.
We purchased this antique dresser a couple years ago. I was worried that the wood would be too dark for the room, but it actually seems to match well with the light fixture and curtain rods being an oil rubbed bronze.
I made the curtains with some ticking fabric I found at our local fabric store.
The cushion for the reading nook is also made from the same fabric, but I recruited my mom to help with that project. It was a little too advanced for my novice sewing skills!
I love this cross stitch and its very special to me. My mom made this for me when I was a little girl and then she had it framed and matted again when Jillian was born.
We debated on what to put beside the bed. We had a couple different end tables we tried, but nothing seemed to look or fit right. Then I saw a Pottery Barn Kids magazine with a picture of some shelves next to a bed, so I asked my husband to build two. I am so fortunate that hes so handy and enjoys building things!
I love the view from her bedroom...
I have a few ideas for the shelves, but we havent gotten that far yet, so for now Ive decorated with a few special things we already had.
My father-in-law recently gave Jillian this antique Snow White figurine. He found it stored away at his parents home.
We hung a few antique plates above the bed.
Jillian received two very generous gifts for her birthday a couple years ago... this quilt bedding, made by my mom, and the bed, from my mother-in-law, which is from Pottery Barn Kids. The sheets are from the Shabby Chic line at Target.
I bought these plates over four years ago, before Jillian was born. Sometime maybe Ill share some pictures of her first room even though we no longer live in the same house... it was so sweet.
A few more vintage items on the shelves.
Here you can see the original door, which we left in its stained wood state.
In the little nook beside the closet I hung some bunting that is made from the same fabric as the bedding.
I also painted this vintage garden bench white and put it here for Jillian to use for some of her stuffed animals and dolls. Below is a basket filled with a couple throw blankets.
(If you are wondering where Jillians toys are, we have another bedroom upstairs we use as a playroom for the girls.)
I hope you enjoyed the room tour! Jillian loves her new room and I have to say, I do too.
Of course her favorite spot is the reading nook. (smile)
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