But wait! Heres a bonus video!
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Magic Disappearing Box Redux
But wait! Heres a bonus video!
Childrens Workbench Plans
One evening a friend of my daughters was talking about some workbench plans he had percolating in his head. He asked if I could get him a few pieces of scrap wood from work. However, as we discussed his ideas for how to build a workbench, I realized that this would be a great project to develop for Totally Free Woodworking Plans.
His idea was to build a workbench that actually doubled as a giant toolbox. The storage tray beneath the top, the hinged door, and the a-frame style legs were his idea. I refined the dimensions a bit and added the peg holes for hanging tools. What you see here are childrens workbench plans that came straight from the mind of a kid!
The funny part about this being a childrens workbench is that it would really work great as an adults workbench too. The 32" height is too short for my comfort, but increasing the height would be a pretty simple matter. Im 6 feet tall but someone shorter may find it comfortable to work at a 32" high workbench. So dont be scared away from building it just because it was designed with kids in mind.
Material Since the whole discussion of these workbench plans began as a request for scrap wood, my first inclination was to build it out of 3/4" melamine. By now you probably know how much I love the stuff, but the real motivation was the fact that we have tons of scrap 3/4" melamine at work. The problem with using melamine started to become apparent when I discovered that my son and the inventors little brother also wanted to build the same workbench.As I imagined three rough eight to ten-year-old boys pounding on their new workbenches, I realized that particle board simply wouldnt hold up. A couple of good smacks with a hammer and the corners of the workbench would be a mess. So 3/4" plywood was my choice due its durability. Any shop grade of plywood will work fine, or even AC plywood sheathing. I happened to find four leftover sheets of plywood that had been faced with plastic laminate, so the boys workbenches turned out pretty fancy when all was said and done.
Hardware There are a couple of simple pieces of hardware you will need to complete the workbench. The workbench plans show a piano (or continous) hinge for the door. This is my preference for durability, but a piano hinge is about three times the price of a pair of simple butt hinges. At the last minute (meaning the checkout line at the hardware store), I changed to butt hinges and they worked great. We used only two per door, but three would hold up better.The other thing youll need is some sort of catch at the top of the door. We used a heavy duty magnetic touch-latch that only cost a couple of dollars. Another alternative would be to use a magnetic or roller catch with some sort of handle to pull the door open.
Cutting The Parts The only really complex pieces to cut are the legs. Once you lay out the lines for the angles, they can be cut with a circular saw, a jigsaw, or a table saw with an angle jig. I sort of cheated and cut all the parts on a CNC router at work. Which brings up a good point about all the holes that need to be drilled (I think there are about seven thousand of them).The 1/4" holes arent completely necessary. I had a bunch of 1/4" dowel laying around and thought it would be cool to make a sort of peg board to hang tools on the outside of the workbench. The workbench plans show the peg holes on the outside of the bench, but a couple of the boys turned the back around so they could hang their tools on the inside of the tool storage tray.
I used a CNC machine to drill all the holes, but Im not too sure I would have drilled them all if I had to do it by hand. So drill as many as you think youll need, or dont drill any at all. They really are just an option.
The 3/16" thru holes arent really optional. Those are there for assembly with 1-5/8" wood screws. If you lay them out according to the drawings youll have a much easier time lining things up. So I encourage you to drill them, even if you opt not to drill the peg holes.
Assembly Start by attaching the front and the back to the bottom using glue and 1-5/8" wood screws. Next, using the section view in the workbench plans as a guide, mark the locations of the back, bottom, and front on the inside of both legs. Attach the legs to the back/front/bottom assembly using glue and screws.Hinging the door is easiest if done while the top is off. Attach the hinges to the door first, then fasten the hinged door to the front. For mounting hinges I suggest that you use a Vix Bit. For those who arent familiar with Vix Bits, they are self-centering drill bits. The ingenious little tool makes drilling perfectly centered holes an absolute breeze.
Mounting the top is pretty straightforward. Just make sure it overhangs the legs evenly all around. Depending on what method you use for holding the door shut, you may want to attach the catch to the underside of the top before attaching the top to the legs. Thats what we did and it eliminated the need to crawl inside the tool compartment upside down to install catch hardware.
Drawing File With a bit of help from us dads, the boys did almost all of the assembly themselves. So whether you build one of these workbenches for your kids, with your kids, or even for yourself, be sure to check out the plans. Just click on the link below. If youd like to download a copy to your computer, right click then "save-as". Either way, youll need the Adobe reader to view the file.View or Download "Workbench Plans"
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Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Homemade gripper No not a Grr ripper
Sergio Jimenez (you may recall his homemade speaker brackets back in April) decided to make his own familiar-looking adjustable push stick. Of course, I recommend MicroJigs Grr-Ripper, but I love it when anyone looks at something and says, "hmmm...I think I can make something like that." This is clever.
Make a heart shaped box
For Valentines Day, I decided to make a heart-shaped box with a little extra. It has a tray area, for sorting change, holding rings or whatever. I wanted the design to flow together as one unit and repeat the sweeping arcs of the heart shape.
If youve made a band saw box before, you will recognize the techniques. This is sort of like making two in one. Just consider the tray area as a second box: instead of slicing off the back, you will just add a separate base.
I used purpleheart and padauk and it really looks nice, although I wouldnt recommend using such hard woods. Bandsaw boxes require a lot of sanding to smooth out the blade marks and your will struggle less with a soft wood.
Im quite proud of this cutting template! It includes all the steps you will need to perform to make this box. Just print it out (make sure you set your printers scaling to 100% size) and paste it to a block of wood.
- Download WWMM Heart-shaped box template. (pdf)
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Barn Shaped Knick Knack Shelf
My wife helped me get the overall look and size of the shelves just right for the horses and the result is what you see here. I have to admit that this project stretched my finish carpentry skills. Fitting all of the angled pieces together in various combinations was a lot trickier than I thought it would be. However, with some patience the project turned out fine and my daughter was thrilled with the new "home" for her horses.
Material Since I had planned to paint the barn and needed a large panel for the back, I chose 1/2" MDF for the entire knick knack shelf. The back could just as well be 1/2" plywood, with the walls, roof, and floor made of 1X solid stock. This would have been my choice had I intended to stain and lacquer the barn.
Part of my decision to use MDF was the fact that I knew my finish carpentry skills werent the best and expected I might have to fill and paint over some gaps in the joinery. I discovered (I suppose I already knew) that its better to approach a project with care and patience rather than planning to have to cover up mistakes or poor joinery.
As it turns out, I took my time and there was no need for any filler on the finished barn. Even so, the MDF turned out nice and takes paint very well.
Cutting The Parts In the knick knack shelf plans Ive given you a layout for cutting the back by hand. I cut mine on my CNC router (including the 4 3/4" and 5 1/2" pieces) out of a half sheet (48" x 48") of 1/2" MDF. With a careful layout, you could use a saber saw or hand saw and achieve the same material yield. If you dont want to cut it yourself and are interested in having one cut on a CNC router, please let me know and Ill see what I can arrange.
In addition to the back, each of the wall, roof, and floor pieces are also laid out in the drawings. I cut them about a half inch too long, then mitered and trimmed them to fit as I went along. This is reflected in the parts list but not on the detail drawing views.
For the miter cuts I tried to keep the angles consistent and nice round numbers. Ideally they would have been on increments of 15 degrees, 45 degrees, 22 1/2 degrees, etc. I tried that but didnt care for the shape or size of the barn. So I went with what you see.
There is one challenge that I didnt foresee. In the original design, the Loft Brace and Loft Rafter both required 50 degree miters and my chop saw will only tilt 45 degrees. There are several great ideas I found on the internet for making 50 degree cuts and I encourage you to do a search and check them out.
My own solution, however, turned out to be very simple. I happened to have a cedar shim that had been cut at a 5 degree angle. After tilting the saw 45 degrees, I simply used the shim under the board I was cutting to make up 50 degrees. As simple as it was to make the 50 degree cut, I made a change in the design posted here to simply avoid the 50 degree cut altogether.
Assembly Putting the barn shelf together was a bit more of a challenge than I anticipated. There were no real surprises. It was just tricky to get all the miter joints to align properly. Leaving the parts long and trimming to fit was VERY helpful. I started with the bottom and just worked my way up to the top, finishing the perimeter before moving on to the interior braces, walls, and floors.
Glue and pin nails hold it together well. Some of the mitered joints were a bit tricky to get nails into. On those I only used glue and it has held up fine.
Hardware It isnt shown in the drawing but I discovered a really cool way to hang the knick knack shelf. Youll notice that there will be a 1/4" space between the back and the wall after the shelf is hung. I left the space there anticipating that I would use an aluminum bracket styled after the French cleat.
The bracket I had in mind proved difficult to find, but in my searching I discovered a neat bracket made by Hangman Products. Its marketed for hanging pictures and other decor items. I figure that knick knack shelves count as "other decor items", and with a 200 pound rating it was perfect for the barn shelf.
The kit came with screws for attaching one bracket to the barn, and drywall anchors for attaching the other bracket to a sheetrock wall. It even included a little bubble level to make sure everything hangs straight.
Drawing File This isnt quite a beginner project, but its a great way to hone your joinery skills. If youre ready to tackle this knick knack shelf project, check out the drawings by clicking on the link below. If youd like to download a copy to your computer, right click then "save-as". Either way, youll need the Adobe reader to view the file.
View or Download "Barn Shaped Shelf Plans"
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Teds Woodworking fraud
The tangled web of woodworking plan piracy just gets deeper and deeper. I am convinced at this point that Clickbank.com is in bed with Ted, so-to-speak. They have no concern about copyright violations, even though their own web site policies state they do. Hmm...think Ted is making Clickback some money?
To any of you who have been watching this series, thank you. To the rest of you, I promise to get back to regular nonsense soon.
Big thanks to Jim Barry of Copyrighters Sharing Information for helping me out with this. Hes actually determined the source of nearly every single plan Ted offers. That must have been a herculean task. Hes also posted this article you should check out. It contains a list of companies and sites that Ted has stolen plans from.
Woodworking in iambic pentameter
If you are interested in the verse, its pretty strict iambic pentameter. Three, 14-line sonnets with rhyming couplets at the end of each. I really wanted to work in the line, "A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a sawhorse!", but it didnt work out. Haha. For what its worth, and to appease your inner geek, heres the whole bit:
Begin with lumber begot from fine tree
Nigh but one and three quarter inch its heft
And about one half inch its thickness be
Ere ye sever a single kerf, be deft!
Nay, with readiness rout rabbets anon
One ledge for the top, one bottom indent
Mine eyes be pleased, but alas and along!
This is the splinter of my discontent!
Forty-five, forty-five angles abound
“Wherefore,” thou ask, “what folly hath he wrought?”
Maketh a frame, ample glue all around
This, thou already knew, that’s what I thought.
Two panels become a ceiling and floor
Say ye, “Wow. A box.” Say I, “Wait! There’s more!”
Ease the edges, nay so sharp as thy wit
Now for a test of bravery and guile
Aye, with a vorpal blade, one is now split.
A lid and its mate, it took not a while.
For thy clip: a block, chamfered on three sides
By heaven I think my love is as rare -
Earth magnets! They hold great strength in their size.
Glue them in pairs, two seated here, two rest there.
What is a limb, but an arm like a jib?
A thin strip and screw go forth and attach.
Bore a number of dimples ‘neath the lid
So when the arm swingeth thus, it will catch.
The parts are all done, thou art nearly complete
Fasten the hinges to where they will seat.
Friends, Romans, woodworkers: lend me an ear
More magnets ensure the lid will hold fast
A fortnight of sanding, then grab a beer
Bring out the grain; any hue thee may cast.
Lacquer, varnish: no finish is wrong
Protect thy project like a lover to woo
Polyurethane! (Fit that into song!)
And spread sev’ral coats, at least more than two.
This above all: to thine own shelf find glue
Affix thin plastic: smooth, firm and opaque.
Thy box is complete, now what to do?
Sit back, relax. “Til ne’er a muscle doth ache.
This project is done, it could have been worse
(I) thank ye for viewing this video verse.
Monday, March 3, 2014
Top 5 woodworking safety tips
Oops! Well, at least I can Tweet this! |
Of course, these Tweets, Facebook and YouTube posts are usually couched as a vague "safety" lesson: "Guys! I got lucky this time...I wasnt being careful. Dont let this happen to you!" Check it out! Heres a gross photo to freak you out!
By the way, stop trying to convince yourself that any bloody misfortune is lucky. Its not.
When a woodworker flaunts his injuries, what is the lesson for a newbie? Better forget about woodworking. Danger lurks around every power tool. Just looking at a tool the wrong way can spell disaster. If experienced woodworkers - who endlessly drone on and on about safety - do stupid things, what hope is there for a newcomer?
And the hobby dwindles even further.
In this age of paranoia and fear, some common sense:
2) Be smart. But you dont need me to nag you about it.
3) Nagging turns people off. In fact, it often has a reverse effect and makes people complacent. "Safety First" no longer has any meaning because we hear it all the time. Complacency is dangerous. Mindless mantras are even more dangerous.
4) Respect yourself. No, not your tools, yourself. Tools rarely attack or injure without a person somehow involved. Respect your brain and your body.
5) Never approach woodworking from a position of fear. Fear causes people to make poor or irrational decisions. If there is a tool or procedure in the shop you fear, stop to figure out why and learn how to overcome that fear, or do the safest thing: dont use that tool or perform that procedure.
The safest thing you can do is nothing
People who never use woodworking tools are less likely to suffer woodworking injuries than those of us who use woodworking tools. (I think there was a study done on that.)
Personal safety is important to me, but not my highest concern. Thankfully, creating a finished woodworking project is my number one concern in the shop. If it werent, Id spend my days tucked safely on my couch and youd never see any pallet videos.
I get minor scrapes and cuts now and then but I will not exploit them. Ill gain viewers and readers the old fashioned way: by creating engaging video content. Of course, Im not above writing a provocative article to attract attention. Or peddling stylish shop wear.
WWMM T-shirts! Get yours today! |
Product | USA Lie Nielsen | UK Axminster |
Dowel Plate | $50.00 | £43.50 |
5pc Chisel Set (O1 steel) | $340.00 | £239.00 |
2 x Mortise Chisels (1/4, 1/2) | $130.00 | £113.00 |
Lie Nielsen no#5 Plane | $325.00 | £282.95 |
High Angle Frog for no#5 | $75.00 | £65.00 |
Spare Plane Blade for no#5 | $40.00 | £34.80 |
Lie Nielsen no#7 Plane | $425.00 | £369.95 |
Totals | $1385.00 (£887.93) | £1148.20 ($1790.73) |
1 GBP = 1.55960 USD | 1 USD = 0.641189 GBP @ 02.12.2011 |
YouTube woodworking Chop with Chris
In Chriss latest video, he makes a dog sled. He needs to bend the wood, so what does he do first? He makes a steam bender out of a log of course!
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Outdoor Wood Bench Plans Wooden Ideas
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I found a nursing bottle outdoor wood bench plans. At my local anesthetic grocery store. And take in since seen it Hoosier State a apothecarys shop and WalmartGetting it locally seemed much more so I did
Here is just about photos of some of my finished models that are for saleMODEL SHIP STORE: This store is where these models can be purchased operating theater ordered
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A Girls Farmhouse Bedroom

(You should have seen the stares we got as people drove by.)
Sharing at
Savvy Southern Style
Wood Picnic Table Plans Wooden Ideas
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If you visualise cryptic scratches or splits in your wood. You might finish up with a final examination piece of music that may fall inadequate of your quality standardsFurthermore make sure the wood looks good if you want the finished work to aspect nice
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